Games of Daze
Infomagic - Games of Daze (Summer 1995) (Disc 1 of 2).iso
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C/C++ Source or Header
133 lines
#ifndef __BASIC_H_
#define __BASIC_H_
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include "slangtab.h"
#include "var_tab.h"
#define NUM_LAB 100 // Number of labels
#define LAB_LEN 10 // Length of label name
#define FOR_NEST 25 // Number of nested FOR cycles
#define SUB_NEST 25 // Number of nested SUBROUTINES calls
#define PROG_SIZE 10000 // Maximum program size (or use multifile projects)
#define LINE_LEN 160 // Program line len (LINE - CR - LINE ...)
struct for_stack
char name[10]; // Counter - cycle variable name
double endval; // Cycle end value
char* entrance; // Point in the program string
struct play_stack
char* prog; // Name of file
int shift; // Offset in this file
play_stack(char* s, int i)
{ prog = strdup(s); shift = i; }
~play_stack() { delete prog; }
struct label // Label : LABEL NAME and pointer to the place
{ // in the program
char name[LAB_LEN];
char* p;
class Slang // The base interpreter class
int error; // Number of the error
char* program; // SLANG program (contents of current file)
char* substack[SUB_NEST]; // Subroutines stack
play_stack* playstack[SUB_NEST]; // External files player
for_stack fstack[FOR_NEST]; // FOR stack
int variable_type; // Type of current variable
char token_type; // Type of token obtained
char tok; // Group of token obtained
char token[LINE_LEN]; // Token obtained
char* theName;
int for_used; // FOR stack top
int sub_used; // Gosub stack top
int play_used; // Play stack top
char* prog; // Program - from the current point to the end
label* labels; // Table of labels in current file
VarTable* variables; // Table of variables
void del();
void set_error(int err) { error = err; }
int get_argument(double* x);
int get_error() { return error; }
void set_program(char* p) { program = p; }
char* get_program() { return program; }
char* load_program(char*); // Remove old program and load new file
char* find_label(char*); // Find label name in the table
char* sub_pop(); // Get subroutine parameters from stack
void sub_push(char*); // Push Gosub parameters to stack
for_stack for_pop(); // Get FOR parameters from stack
void for_push(for_stack); // Push FOR parameters to stack
void playpush(char*, int); // Push external file parameters to stack
play_stack* playpop(); // Get external file parameters from stack
void print(); // General output function
void input(); // General input function
void scan_labels(); // Scan file and fill labels
void find_eol(); // Scip line
void find_return(); // Search for RETURN (\r\n)
void slang_goto(); // GOTO operator
void slang_if(); // IF operator
void slang_for(); // FOR operator
void next(); // NEXT operator
void gosub(); // Pass control to the subroutine
void sub_return(); // Return from subroutine
void label_init(); // Init labels
int get_next_label(char*); // Get next label
int reassign_arguments(); // We use assign_ and reassign_arguments
int assign_arguments(); // with subroutines calls to pass args.
void release_var(char* ); // Remove variable from table
void assigment(); // Assign value to variable
void basic(char*); // Executes program pointed by char*
void play(); // Play external file
virtual void interprete(); // basic() call it in cycle
void get_label();
void math(double* result); // sin, cos...
void pause(); // See "C" delay() function
char* get_exp(double*), *level2(double*); // Recursive analyser
char* level3(double*), *level4(double*); // User could modify
char* level5(double*), *level6(double*); // the "primitive" function
char* level7(double*); // and add COMMAND group
char* primitive(double*); // user-defined functions
void arith(char, double*, double*);
void unary(char, double*);
virtual void serror(int); // Error processor
virtual void error_report(char* text); // Overload for your own print
void putback(); // Put token back
int get_token(); // Get token from prog
int iswhite(char); // Recognize symbols to skip
int isdelim(char); // Recognize delimiters (),:;" and so on
virtual void terminate(); // User-defined terminator (ESC and so on)
#endif __BASIC_H_